Well, as another year draws to an end. I thought it would be a good time to look back and reflect on what has occurred with CLP during 2018.
Early in the year Chantelle decided that she wanted to take a step back from the general day to day operations and running of the business. Choosing to just be involved in doing some photo shoots whenever the need arises during our busier work periods.
The main Boudoir Glamour part of CLP is continually growing at a steady pace. Followers on our FaceBook page doubled and numbers increase on a weekly basis. As a result, we welcomed a lot of new first time clients and provided them with some stunning boudoir/glamour photography. Unfortunately, for those that follow our Social Media, you only get to see a very small selection of the photography work that we do during the year. Our clients privacy and confidentiality is our main priority. So you only get to see what we are authorized by just some of our clients to display. The new year will also see the our boudoir glamour photo shoots touring Australia wide by commission. Very excited about this.
It is always an added bonus when new clients turn into friendships. This year we had the pleasure of doing a photo shoot with International Body Building Champion Sherrie Gossow. Not long after her photo shoot, Sherrie contacted me very distraught. Telling me that her wedding photographer had just cancelled on her, only weeks out from the wedding. So we quickly rearranged our schedules which resulted in us having the honor of doing her wedding photography. Both Sherrie and her husband Michael, who is Queensland’s Body Building Champion, are now very good friends with us. Keep an eye out in the new year for the photo shoot we will be doing with both Sherrie and Michael in the gym and pumping some amazing weights. Ohhh, and we are also photography Sherrie’s sisters wedding in February 2019.
Brisbane country rock band Forever Road is another example of clients turning into great mates. These guys are very talented musicians. Jake Gilroy is an amazing song writer. But they are just genuine down to earth good fun guys to be with. We feel very honored to have been welcomed into their personal lives with their extended families. I wont divulge to much but in the new year there is another album release coming out. So Brisbane folk, if you like country rock, follow Forever Road. You will also find us at most of their Brisbane gigs.

2018 was also the start of Tee it Up Imagery. This is a separate division of CLP. Specifically for golf courses and predominately for golf course photography. Having already completed photographing Redcliffe and Gailes golf courses in Brisbane. Early in January will see Cairns golf course being photographed. A few other golf courses are currently also considering photography with us in the New Year, including a golf course over in New Caledonia. Tee it Up Imagery is currently being promoted throughout Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands.
So that pretty much raps up what has been 2018. CLP would like to take this opportunity to thank all our clients, followers, and supporters and wish everyone a very Happy Prosperous New Year. We look forward to seeing you through our lenses again in 2019.